The 96,115-acre ranch is in Park County, Wyo.
By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer
A ranch approximately the same size as a country in the Caribbean is up for sale.
Pitchfork Ranch in Park County, Wyo., and its 96,115 acres (150 square miles) available for $67 million.
For context, the ranch is about the same size as Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which also has an area of about 150 square miles.

In addition, Otto Frank Von Lichtenstein founded the ranch in 1878, about 12 years before Wyoming received statehood.
“A working cattle ranch at its core, it’s rare to see a contiguous piece of land this size on the market,” wrote Ben Anson, the listing manager with Properties West Real Estate.
Here are some property details:
- The ranch has 13,886 deeded acres, 31,600 acres of State land, 5,645 BLM acres and44,984 acres in Forest Service permits.
- More than 1,100 acres are irrigated with 660 acres under new 2021 Zimmatic pivots.
- The ranch is owner-rated to carry about 1,300 cows per year. And the fields are planted with a mix of orchard grass, alfalfa and meadow brome.
“Being sold as a turnkey operation, the ranch is fully stocked with a quality cow herd and all the equipment to operate,” the listing says. “Located in a high desert and mountain environment the cows have been culled extensively to be able to thrive here.”
For anyone with $67 million to spare, here are some other items available for that kind of money.
- Launching one of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets cost $67 million in 2022.
- You could purchase a 716-acre island in Belize for about $60 million.
- Adjusted for inflation from 1800, constructing the White House would cost about $5.66 million in 2024, meaning you could build around 12 of them.
Or you could visit the Real Estate page for other farmland investment opportunities.