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Agriculture part of Brad Wall’s victory speech

Wall re-elected as Premier of Saskatchewan

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

After Brad Wall’s third consecutive victory as Saskatchewan Premier last night, he quickly outlined a commitment to agriculture in the province.

“You can expect a government that is proud of oil and gas in this province,” he said during his victory speech. “You can expect one that is proud of mining, proud of modern agriculture, proud of crop science.”

According to Government of Saskatchewan website, the provincial government has kept more than 140 of its promises to the people of Saskatchewan under Wall’s watch since his election in 2007.

The promises include “continuing to improve crop insurance programs and other services for farmers and ranchers.”

“Since 2007, Crop Insurance Average Coverage per acre has increased 88 per cent, while funding for agriculture research has increased by 96 per cent.”

According to latest statistics, agriculture and food exports were valued at more than $15 billion in 2015 and as per the 2011 Census of Agriculture, there were 36,952 farms in Saskatchewan; the average farm size was 1,668 acres.

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