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Crop Logistics Working Group’s recommendations for grain handling in Canada

Recommendations to be presented to a Canada Transportation Act review panel

By Diego Flammini,

In an effort to ensure that the grain produced by Canada’s grain farmers can get to its customers quickly and efficiently, the Crop Logistics Working Group (CLWG) completed its final report and identified ways to improve grain handling and transportation systems.

The group, chaired by Murdoch MacKay, worked with more than 18 agricultural organizations representing the grain sector to come up with eight recommendations aimed to improve grain transportation. They include:

  1. Enhanced transparency in the rail market
  2.  Continued assessment of grain movement volume
  3. Enhancements in the Level of Service process
  4. Enhanced powers of the Canadian Transportation Agency
  5. Increased protection and support for producer car and other small shippers

“Our mandate was to establish a consensus position within the grain supply chain,” said Murdoch MacKay, Chair of the CLWG and Commissioner of the Canadian Grain Commission. “It has been a privilege to work with this very committed industry group over the past six months in reaching that goal and we would like to thank the Minister for this opportunity to bring the industry together to develop and present the recommendations of the industry to the CTA review panel and the Minister.”

The CLWG’s findings will be presented to the Canada Transportation Act review panel for further discussion and possible implementation.

“The input provided by the CLWG supports our Government's commitment to improving the transportation system so that farmers’ products get to market quickly and efficiently,” said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “Working with industry to strengthen the entire supply chain ensures Canada’s grain sector is well positioned for long term growth and sustainability.”

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