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Farmer Grows Pink Pumpkins to Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Minnesota Farmer Participates in Pink Pumpkin Patch Foundation Campaign

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A Minnesota farmer is supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month by planting pumpkins, pink pumpkins to be exact. Bert Bouwman who runs a farm in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota planted 15,000 pink pumpkin seeds. Bouwman is one of 50 vegetable growers across the U.S. who took part in the Pink Pumpkin Patch Foundation campaign. The pink pumpkin is a fairly new variety and was developed by a Colorado pumpkin farmer about five years ago. The 50 participating farmers pledged to give 25 cents from every pink pumpkin sold to breast cancer research.

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IPC 2025 Seminar: Swine Health Panel

Video: IPC 2025 Seminar: Swine Health Panel

Edison Maghales shared his research results from testing truck wash methods, PEDV viral load, and the transfer rate of the virus to the farm. Pete Thomas presented data from Iowa Select’s recent change in market haul sanitation. Since washing and disinfecting all market trailers, they’ve seen a significant decrease in PEDV break rates, mortality, and production efficiency.