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Friday the 13th around the farm

Agriculture has its share of superstitions

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

Grab your lucky rabbit’s foot and be careful when walking by mirrors because today is Friday the 13th.

Many industries have superstitions when it comes to the infamous day and agriculture is no different.

“The Mother’s Day curse!” said Zach Profit, a grain farmer from Ohio on Twitter. “Do not plant on Mother’s Day.”

Pennsylvania’s Katherine Grossman outlined three superstitions on Friday the 13th in November 2015.

Rabbit's foot

“Keep a smelly billy goat with your cows and they’ll never get sick,” she said via Twitter. “Never plant peas or beans on the day that baking is done (and) to cure founder in horses from over feeding grain, pee on their way before feeding.”

Some superstitions around farming include the number 13, including never harvesting or planting on the 13th of any month, and never raising 13 of any livestock.

Other farm-related superstitions include:

  • Pregnant women planting seeds guarantees that the seeds will thrive
  • Tarring cows behind the ears and at the end of the root of the tail prevents witches from stealing their milk
  • Stepping over a calf that is lying on the ground is bad luck for you and the calf
  • Walking around a wheat field on the first day of May will help you meet your mate
  • Never begin working on a Friday

This is the only Friday the 13th of 2016, but 2017 will have one in January and October.

Join the discussion and let us know if you have any superstitions around your farm.

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