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Harper Government Supports Forage Sector With $148,000 Investment

Newly Formed Saskatchewan Forage Network to Benefit from Government Investment

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Canadian Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced on Tuesday, that the government will invest $148,000 in assistance to the newly formed Saskatchewan Forage Network.

"Forages are a core driver of the Saskatchewan economy, and we are pleased to support the sector in developing an efficient and coordinated approach," Minister Ritz said in a press release.

The money will go towards assisting the network to build a forage research capacity, assist facilitating access to project funds, and help with providing the tools necessary to develop a coordinated technology transfer to the industry.

"This project is coming at a key time for the forage industry, as we are currently facing a serious lack of investment in forage research and program funding, both in Saskatchewan and across Canada. Funding for this project will be used to consult with and bring together stakeholders in a coordinated effort on forage-related issues facing the industry," said Aaron Ivey, President of the SFC and Chair of the Forage Network Steering Committee.

The investment is made possible through the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program, which is a five-year initiative to provide a boost to Canada’s agricultural sector.

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