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Minnesota Organic Conference scheduled for January 2016

Conference will take place January 8th and 9th

By Diego Flammini,

Farmers who currently operate organic farms and farmers who are considering switching to organic agriculture are encouraged to attend the 2016 Minnesota Organic Conference, scheduled for January 8th and 9th, 2016.

“Organic demand is outstripping supply in nearly every category, leaving a lot of opportunity for new producers,” said Minnesota Department of Agriculture Organic Specialist, Meg Moynihan. “This conference is a great way for more farmers to learn what organic requires, and for existing organic producers to get even better.”

The conference, which is expected to have about 600 attendees will feature a variety of breakout sessions covering different topics including organic certification, marketing, soil health and crop production.

In addition to the breakout sessions, guest speakers will be on hand to share ideas and engage in discussions with farmers.

Susan Beal will discuss natural approaches to keeping livestock healthy, Molly C. Haviland will talk about regenerative soil-building techniques and Thaddeus McCamant, an instructor from Central Lakes College will discuss perennial fruit with market potential and perform an introduction to organic fruit trees and orchards.

The deadline to register for the conference is Thursday, December 31st. Use the conference’s hashtag #MNOrganic16 to follow the action at the event.

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture estimated that the state is home to 650 organic farms as of May 2010.

According to the Economic Research Service, Minnesota ranks 1st in the United States in organic soybean acres and is among the leaders in organic corn acres.

Join the conversation and tell us if you’ll attend the Minnesota Organic Conference. Would you consider using organic practices on your farm?


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