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PETA may soon be armed with drones

PETA plans to purchase drones to watch hunters and farmers

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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) plans to equip themselves military-style by purchasing drones – small pilotless aircrafts that can capture aerial information like videos and pictures. The animal activist group recently announced that they were shopping around for one more aircraft to monitor the woods for hunters and keep an eye on farms. The group says drones would help advance its mission to save animals.

The press release states “PETA will soon have some impressive new weapons at its disposal to combat those who gun down deer and doves. The group is shopping for one or more drone aircraft with which to monitor those who are out in the woods with death on their minds.”

This may be news to some, that drones are going mainstream – especially given their more common place as a tool for military purposes. PETA may face some barriers in implementing its grand plan as some states have already taken action to limit the use of drones. On April 15, Illinois has made it a crime to use drones that may disrupt hunting or fishing. The legality surrounding unmanned drones has yet to be fully defined by the courts.

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