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Ranchers battle BLM over grazing rights

New BLM regulation faces lawsuit from ranching groups


The American Farm Bureau Federation, representing a coalition of agricultural organizations, has initiated a lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

This action comes in response to the BLM’s implementation of a new Public Lands Rule, which the coalition believes could undermine longstanding ranching activities by emphasizing conservation over grazing.

The groups argue that the new rule contravenes established laws like the Taylor Grazing Act and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), both of which support diverse land use. They contend that by elevating conservation as a primary use, the rule could limit ranchers' access to land, thereby affecting their operations and the broader agricultural economy.

The rule enhances the status of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs), potentially allowing environmental groups to influence land use decisions to the detriment of the ranching community.

This could lead to significant portions of land being indefinitely withdrawn from agricultural use, favoring conservation initiatives.

The legal process is expected to be lengthy, involving comprehensive briefings and judicial assessments, with a decision likely to take up to eighteen months.

This lawsuit signifies a significant challenge to federal land management practices, with potential implications for both conservation efforts and the agricultural industry's ability to utilize public lands for grazing.

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