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$14.3M Boost for local foods in US schools

USDA's record investment aims to enhance meal quality in schools


The USDA has announced a groundbreaking investment of $14.3 million in the Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grants, marking the largest allocation to date aimed at improving school meal quality and supporting local agriculture.

This funding will assist 154 projects in 43 states plus territories, impacting approximately 1.9 million students by providing them access to fresh, locally sourced foods.

This initiative not only aims to improve the nutritional intake of students but also supports local farmers, making schools a pivotal market for local agriculture.

The grants are an integral part of the Biden-Harris Administration's initiative to end hunger and enhance health through better nutrition by 2030.

Secretary Vilsack emphasized the dual benefits of the program, highlighting its role in combating food and nutrition insecurity among children while supporting local economies.

The program facilitates educational opportunities for students, including hands-on activities like gardening, which enrich their understanding of food systems and encourage healthy eating habits.

The new USDA regulations also support the initiative by allowing schools more flexibility to source locally grown, unprocessed foods, thus fostering an environment where children learn to appreciate the importance of nutrition from a young age.

Through these comprehensive efforts, the USDA continues to demonstrate its commitment to transforming school food environments, enhancing children’s health, and supporting American agriculture.

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Research continues to reveal gaps in consumer awareness of farming practices and the tools used to grow food. This can lead to tighter regulations, increased costs, and less innovation and adoption of sustainable practices that improve food production and reduce environmental impact.

Food is our common ground and the most intimate way consumers experience agriculture. Food is where we need to begin our conversation with consumers.

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