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United Nations Celebrates International Day of Rural Women

International Day of Rural Women Recognizes the Contributions Women Have Made to Agriculture

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The number of women involved in agriculture around the world continues to grow, with women making up the majority of the workforce in developing countries; and sometimes the contributions that women have made to agriculture aren’t so well known. October 15th has been declared by the United Nations as the International Day of Rural Women, which formally recognizes the crucial role that woman play in rural economies around the world.

The first International Day of Rural Women was first launched in 2008 and the idea was suggested in 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China. The date itself has meaning - it’s on the day before World Food Day to remember who producing much of the world’s food. Women should be commended for being traditional food providers, which is most apparent in the developing world. In fact, in developing countries, the majority of women’s work is devoted to agriculture and are in essence the agents of food production.

On this day of observance, remember the contributions that women have made to agriculture around the world and the sacrifices that they have made for food security.

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