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World Egg Day Encourages Consumers to ‘Get Cracking’

Oct. 12 Marks 2012 World Egg Day Celebration

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On the second Friday of every October since 1996, egg lovers from around the world have been celebrating World Egg Day. One of the primary objectives of egg day is to bring awareness about the nutritional benefits of eggs and getting consumers thinking about how eggs can play an important role in feeding people around the world.

The official World Egg Day website features fascinating facts, nutrition information and ideas about how one can celebrate egg day.  The following are three interesting facts about eggs:

1.Egg protein is full of amino acids that help build tissues and it’s only second to mother’s milk for human nutrition.
2.As a hen grows older she will lay larger eggs.
3.A large egg contains 70 calories and 5 grams of fat.

The official website makes the claim that eggs are “nature’s super food” and lists some of the ways that eggs can provide nutritional benefits for human health. The International Egg Commission is the main advocate for World Egg Day and is working on a number initiatives in developing countries around the world to provide eggs as a source of protein to help combat hunger.

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NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

Video: NEW PLANTER UPGRADE KIT Offerings for 2026 — John Deere ExactEmerge & MaxEmerge 5e

John Deere has announced new offerings for its planter upgrade kits in 2026.

MaxEmerge 5e is ideal for 5 mph planting and provides a 20% improvement in population accuracy. This solution is available for model year 2015 and newer John Deere planters.

ExactEmerge is a high-speed planting solution equipped with brush belt technology that does a great job singulating corn, soybeans and cotton and directly placing that seed right in the trench.

Kyle Barry with John Deere gives you a full overview in this video!