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Wynne Provides Update on Bee Issue, Still Waiting for Feds to Take Action

Wynne Provides Update on Bee Issue, Still Waiting for Feds to Take Action

By Amanda Brodhagen,

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says the government continues to find science-based solutions to ensure a healthy bee population the province. Wynne issued a statement Thursday, noting that the province is waiting for direction from its federal counterparts on neonicotinoid use, which regulates pesticide use in Canada. Some believe neonicotinoids are to blame for reported bee deaths.

Wynne reports on progress of the Ontario Bee Health Working Group, which was formed in July. Various stakeholders including the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, seed, grain and farmer organizations have begun initial discussions on planting options for farmers.

The Premier has asked the group to continue to provide updates leading up to spring 2014 planting. The Bee Health Working Group is made up for 21 bee specialists. The province has pledged more than $100,000 to the Ontario Beekeepers’ Association and an additional $700,000 in funding to support research initiatives relating to bee health.

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