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Your farm counts! Help shape us crop supply


The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is seeking input from nearly 5,900 producers in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. This mid-year survey focuses on gathering data on what crops were planted and harvested on their farms, along with the amount of grain they have in storage, as of June 1, 2024.

Understanding how much of each crop is grown across the US is essential for estimating national supply. The information collected through these surveys empowers those involved in agriculture to make informed decisions that impact the availability of food and other products throughout the year.

The NASS offers producers various convenient ways to participate in the surveys. Data privacy is a priority, with all individual responses kept confidential.

The collected data will be used in crucial USDA reports, including those on crop acreage and grain stocks. It also contributes to reports on crop production, livestock numbers, and even global agricultural forecasts, ultimately impacting the food supply for the nation.

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