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31% of Corn Silking, Well Ahead of Average; Soybean on Average

About 25% of the state's wheat had been harvested as of July 9, well below the 47% that had been harvested by this time in 2017 but near the five-year average of 27%. 
Corn condition rated 21% excellent, 65% good, 11% fair, 2% poor, and 1% very poor for the week ending July 8, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Corn silking was at 31%, ahead of 13% both last year and for the five-year average.
Soybean condition rated 16% excellent, 67% good, 13% fair, 3% poor, and 1% very poor. Half of the state's soybeans were blooming, near 48% last year, and ahead of the five-year average of 34%. Just 1% had set pods, near the average of 2%.
Winter wheat condition rated 14% excellent, 55% good, 19% fair, 7% poor, and 5% very poor. Winter wheat harvested was 25%, well behind 47% last year, and near the average of 27%.
Sorghum condition rated 15% excellent, 66% good, 17% fair, and 2% poor. Sorghum headed was 13%, ahead of 4% last year and the average of 2%.
Oats condition rated 10% excellent, 50% good, 35% fair, 4% poor, and 1% very poor. Sixteen percent of the state's oat crop had been harvested, behind 23% last year, but near the average of 12%.
Pasture and range conditions rated 13% excellent, 61% good, 19% fair, 5% poor, and 2% very poor.
Topsoil moisture supplies rated 2% very short, 12% short, 78% adequate, and 8% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 3% very short, 17% short, 74% adequate, and 6% surplus.

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