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5 Valuable John Deere Farm Management Apps

In today’s digital age, there seems to be an app for everything, including farming. Managing a farm can be a complicated process, but thanks to John Deere, there are a number of farm management apps available for download.
We’ve compiled a list of John Deere apps that we hope will simplify the farm management process and make the days a little shorter, leaving you with more free time to spend with your family. 
JDLink App
The JDLink app allows farm managers to access machine fleet information from the palms of their hands. Those that download the app will have access to ultimate data, multiple machine mapping, directions to machines, fleet scorecards for alerts, engine hours, and much more. 
John Deere MyJobs
The MyJobs app provides farm managers with a quick and easy way to view a list of jobs and the jobs’ details, all while keeping others up to date. All users need is a account to create a job (and details) and send it to a machine operator out in the field. Details that can be sent to the operator via the app include the job type, crop type, location, equipment, guidance lines, application rates, and more.
John Deere Mobile Data Transfer
Mobile Data Transfer
The John Deere GreenStar™ 3 2630 Display is an equipment operator’s best friend out in the field. Thanks to the Mobile Data Transfer app, all the information from the display can be easily sent to a MyJohnDeere account. Data files can be easily transferred, regardless of the brand of the machine being used.
John Deere Field Connect™
Field Connect
With the Field Connect app from John Deere, farm managers can easily access the most recent soil moisture readings from the field. View charts and graphs of up to 30 days worth of data while adding your own notes to guide your future decisions.
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Trending Video

Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

Bayer has introduced a new digital farm management system dubbed FieldView Drive 2.0.

An interesting feature of the new system is that agronomists can remotely send prescriptions to farmers.

The company says the product can be summed up in three words: stability, compatibility, and prescriptions.

Watch to learn more about this new concept!