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AFSC’s Women in Ag Award recipients announced

Women play a key role on Alberta’s farms, ranches and agribusinesses; however, sometimes their contributions are overlooked. Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) is recognizing the women who make a difference in the agriculture industry with our Women in Ag Award.

This annual award acknowledges and honours the passion, dedication and commitment of women in agriculture and agribusiness in Alberta. It also celebrates the growing presence of women in this industry. Each year the award recognizes seven phenomenal individuals – four from anywhere in the province and three from within AFSC – who are improving this industry.

The 2022 recipients are:

Simone Demers-Collins, North
Emily Herder, Central
Luree Williamson, South
Hannah Konschuh, Under 40
Tori Stang, AFSC North
Karyn Salsbury, AFSC Central
Lori Peacock, AFSC South

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Disking Corn Stalks

Video: Disking Corn Stalks

Border View Farms is a mid-sized family farm that sits on the Ohio-Michigan border. My name is Nathan. I make and edit all of the videos posted here. I farm with my dad, Mark and uncle, Phil. Our part-time employee, Brock, also helps with the filming. 1980 was our first year in Waldron where our main farm is now. Since then we have grown the operation from just a couple hundred acres to over 3,000. Watch my 500th video for a history of our farm I filmed with my dad.