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Agriculture This Week: Shouldn't need month to know ag important

Regular readers may recognize that I hold limited faith in a day, week, or month being designated to mark a particular thing having much impact these days. 

Perhaps having a National Brussel Sprouts Week bumps sales a bit for a few days, but people soon realize the mini cabbages aren’t that good unless drenched in gooey cheese, and go back to buying their usual mealtime fare.  

So, when the province annually designates October as Agriculture Month I’m unsure if it has a great impact. 

That said, on this one I am also conflicted. 

Having grown up on the farm, and have written about it for the past 30-plus years I recognize its critical importance, and the fading awareness from more and more people about what the industry does. 

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A Tribute To Grandpa Ron

Video: A Tribute To Grandpa Ron

It's been a tough few weeks on the farm as we mourn the passing of Grandpa Ron. Grandpa was a legend, a mentor and a friend. He was still actively farming as he loved hauling grain and combining. I have many great memories of Grandpa on and off the farm and I will cherish those forever. He loved the farm and everything it has to offer. It's going to be different now, but Ronnie's legacy lives on through us and we want to make him proud.