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Application process for Sask Ag Scholarship Program opens

Saskatchewan students bound for agriculture-related post-secondary studies next year now have a chance to win some coin to help pay their way.

The federal and provincial governments have teamed up to offer the 2022 Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarship Program with the application process open until March 1, 2022.

"It's just an opportunity for young men and women that are looking at post-secondary education in the ag sector," Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit said. "Doesn't matter what side of it, whether it's crop science, livestock science, technology or anything like that. It's just a small appreciation that we can show."

Last year's grand-prize winner was Jesse Patzer, taking home a $4,000 purse, with three runner-up awards being given out at $2,000 apiece.

"We have a team at the ministry that evaluate them all and judge all the entrees," he said. "In the past, I've had a chance to meet and have a chat with the winners and hopefully we can do the same again this year."

Students in grade 12 or recent high school graduates are asked to submit a three-minute video or 1,000-word essay around transparency in agriculture by visiting the province's website.

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