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Arkansas Forage/Grassland Council spring Tour Set For April 24

Fast facts

  • Arkansas Forage & Grassland Council spring tour set for April 24
  • Registration is $25 per person and $10 for students
  • For info: John Jennings, 501-671-2350.

Despite drought, flood and everything in between, some Arkansas livestock producers have been able to reach grazing seasons of 300 days or more.

“How did they do this when grass refused to grow? By using some of the most tested and proven forage management practices available,” said John Jennings, professor-forage for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. “If you are interested in better grazing and less hay feeding you will want to attend this tour.”

These farmers will be featured April 24 on the 2015 Arkansas Forage and Grassland Council’s spring bus tour. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. at the Pocahontas Livestock Auction in Pocahontas and buses will depart at 9:30 a.m. for the first farm. While registration before the event isn’t required, it’s preferred. Registration cost is $25 per person and $10 for students and includes lunch, tour handout materials, and comfortable bus transportation to all farms. To register, contact John Jennings at 501-671-2350.

The two farms are of differing sizes and livestock operation.

“One is a typical size cow/calf operation and the other is a larger stocker operation with a cow herd as well,” Jennings said.  “Some key points that tour attendees will notice are how the producers have matched their forage practices to their livestock needs with a very simple list of forages, the flexible options for livestock water, and how their grazing systems have been developed with very few permanent electric fences.

“The producers will describe their experience with the forage and grazing practices that work well and those that do not work well,” he said. “Other speakers will discuss specific forage management practices on each farm and how to implement those in a season-long grazing system.”

To reach the Pocahontas Livestock Auction, take U.S. 67 to Pocahontas, turn onto Townsend Street -- at the intersection of US 67 & Arkansas Hwy. 304, at the T-Ricks Citgo gas station. Head west about a quarter mile to the Livestock Auction Barn.

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