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Behind the Scenes with Farm and Food Care

On this day of love, it seems appropriate to talk about Farm & Food Care, a charitable organization creating awareness of the people and what they do behind the scenes in agriculture and food in Ontario, Prince Edward Island and Saskatchewan. 

“Farm & Food Care Ontario brings farmers, agricultural professionals, related businesses, government organizations and other groups together with a mandate to build public trust in food and farming,” as reported on their website.

Creating public awareness and hopefully some love for agriculture and food is central to their remit. Farm & Food Care also play a role in farm education with resources for soil management and livestock care.

For more information and resources to help manage your small farm, homestead or rural property, subscribe here and get Small Farm Canada delivered straight to your door!

Source : Small Farm Canada

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Market Plus with Ted Seifried and Matthew Bennett


Ted Seifried and Matthew Bennett discuss the economic and commodity markets in this web-only feature.