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Blindfold Tests Demonstrate U.S. Beef’s Quality to Importers in Central America

In markets where buyers and end-users only know the lean, grass-fed beef produced locally, simple tactics are sometimes best to demonstrate U.S. beef’s superior attributes. In recent months, market development efforts have centered on blindfold taste tests in Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, Honduras and Dominican Republic to demonstrate the superior quality of grain-fed U.S. beef. According to Lucia Ruano, USMEF’s representative in the region, the taste tests are very effective.

“We conduct a two-three hour educational program for importers and their end-user customers, for about 25-30 at a time. We discuss U.S. beef production with an emphasis on grain-feeding and how quality marbling impacts flavor and tenderness.

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Importance of Biosecurity to the Beef Industry


SUNUP travels to Haskell County to see an OSU Extension project led by Brian Freking, OSU Extension Southeast area livestock specialist, aimed at addressing the issue of deworming resistance.