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Bovi-ShieldH Gold FP® Products Earn Additional Label Claim For BVD Fetal Protection

Providing the highest level of protection against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) viruses is critical, especially for pregnant cattle. Unprotected cows exposed to BVD Types 1 and 2 viruses may experience pregnancy loss or the delivery of weak or BVD persistently infected (PI) calves.1 To help producers further protect the cow herd, BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP® 5 and BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5 HB products, recently earned an additional label claim from the U.S. Department of Agriculture against fetal infection caused by (BVD) Types 1 and 2 viruses. 
“With the value of calves in today’s market, helping protect every pregnancy has become even more important for cattle producers. The additional label claim against BVD fetal infection assures producers that our BOVI-SHIELD product can help protect the pregnancy through the critical stages of gestation, which is a benefit for cattle producers,” said Nathan Voris, DVM, MBA, Senior Marketing Manager, Cattle Vaccines with Zoetis. “Continued innovations in Zoetis reproductive vaccines help keep the cow herd healthier. Healthy pregnancies lead to healthy calves and ultimately, an improved bottom line for producers.” 
Combined with the current label claims to prevent PI calves caused by BVD Types 1 and 2 viruses, and to aid in the prevention of abortion caused by IBR virus, the BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP® 5 and BOVI-SHIELD GOLD FP 5 HB product lines have the highest level of fetal protection of any reproductive vaccine available to cow/calf producers. 
“This level of fetal protection helps maximize the reproductive potential of your cows, helping to ensure a healthy productive calf every year,” Dr. Voris added. “I recommend producers work with their veterinarian to identify the right vaccine for the challenges on their operation. Selecting vaccines with the strongest label claims can help protect the herd from diseases that can harm the bottom line.”
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