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California Rancher says livestock grazing helps to prevent wildfires

Dr. Dave Daley, a prominent figure in the California Cattlemen's Association, Public Lands Council, and National Cattlemen's Beef Association, recently testified before the House Natural Resources Committee on the critical role of livestock grazing in combatting wildfires. The hearing, titled "Conservation in a Crown Jewel: A Discussion About Wildfires and Forest Management," highlighted the significance of implementing effective land management strategies.

Dr. Daley said that wildfires are becoming more common, and that livestock grazing is a proven way to reduce the risk of these fires. He called on Congress to support bipartisan legislation that would promote livestock grazing as a wildfire prevention tool.

Dr. Daley's message extended to the federal government, urging a holistic approach to land management. He said that it is important to recognize that livestock grazing can help prevent huge wildfires. He also recommended the utilization of federal legislation, such as the forestry title of the 2023 Farm Bill, to strengthen tools like grazing, prescribed fire, timber thinning, and other forestry management practices.

Dr. Daley said that the federal government needs to do a better job of managing landscapes to reduce the risk of wildfires. He pointed to historical management shortcomings as a major reason why wildfires are becoming more common.

Ethan Lane, NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs, commended the committee's effort to engage with local producers like Dr. Daley and understand ground conditions. Lane noted the unique position of cattle producers in mitigating wildfire threats if their expertise is acknowledged.

The Public Lands Council's Executive Director, Kaitlynn Glover, echoed Dr. Daley's sentiments, emphasizing that collaboration between federal agencies, ranchers, and local land managers is vital for landscape protection.

The Daley family's firsthand experience with the Bear Fire's devastation highlighted the urgency of addressing wildfires. Kirk Wilbur, CCA Vice President of Government Affairs, appreciated the policymakers' visit to California to discuss solutions. He stressed the importance of including grazing and California cattle ranchers as essential tools for wildfire mitigation.

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