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Can Your Boar Ensure Quality? Hypor Kanto Can

These days, quality can be hard to find, unless you know where to look. And if you’re seeking a boar that offers exceptional meat quality, look no further than the Hypor Kanto. As Hypor’s premium terminal sire line, the Hypor Kanto is renowned for its quality, growth and consistency. Hypor recently gathered data on Hypor Kanto offspring from a few commercial systems. The findings met or exceeded expectations on several fronts and confirmed why the Hypor Kanto can do wonders for your bottom line.  
Hypor Kanto’s Commendable Growth The Hypor Kanto is Hypor’s fastest growing terminal sire line, and given the other lines Hypor offers, that’s saying a lot. In the latest assessment, the Hypor Kanto maintained a competitive and uniform average daily gain (ADG) of 2.2 lb/1 kg without compromising feed conversion ratio (FCR). With numbers like that, the only thing growing faster than the Hypor Kanto will be your business.  
Hypor Kanto’s Quality
Of course, growth without quality is like food without flavor: What’s the point? Fortunately, Hypor Kanto produces outstanding, flavorful pork that has earned praise for its color and marbling. “Since producers were not paid for meat quality in the past, there was no push for quality lines,” said Dr. Emily Miller, Hypor Product Manager. “With hopes of moving towards a standardized grading system for pork, consumers will be given the option to pay more for a high-grade product in their grocery store. We are the only company with a line of this caliber, which gives our clients a completive edge. ” Even now, the Hypor Kanto is the boar of choice for those who demand the best: Japanese and other export markets, high end restaurants and grocers, and you.  
Hypor Kanto’s Consistency
One of the most notable findings from the latest data collected was that even for farms slaughtering at higher weights – around 150 kg live weight compared to the industry standard of 125 - 130 kg – the heavier pigs did not have greater back fat and had a good lean percentage. Normally, we expect a pig to be less efficient at converting feed to gain when heavier, but the Hypor Kanto maintained a competitive FCR from 125 kg to 150 kg.  That’s critical for producers because it ensures that the only surprises they encounter with the Hypor Kanto are pleasant ones.   
Hypor Kanto’s Commitment to TSP
Since Total System Profitability is a must for clients, it’s a must for Hypor and the Hypor Kanto. In Miller’s words, “no matter who you are in the pork production chain, you will make money from the Hypor Kanto.” For producers, the Hypor Kanto’s combination of fast growth and superb meat quality controls costs while positioning them to earn a premium on their pigs in the years to come.  
For processors, they will have a superior product that demands more from grocers and restaurants. As consumers begin to seek out higher quality and show a willingness to pay for it, they will shape how all members of the value chain run their business. And nothing is better for your business than giving the customer what they want. So if anyone says they can’t give you quality, growth and consistency in one boar line, tell them that’s okay. Hypor Kanto can. 
Source : Hendrix Genetics

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