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CDFA Accepting Pre-Proposals for New Dairy and Livestock Enteric Methane Emission Reduction Research Program

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is now accepting pre-proposals for the new 2023 Livestock Enteric Methane Emission Reduction Research Program (LEMER-RP) until 5 p.m. PT August 7. 

Enteric methane emissions are greenhouse gases (GHGs) produced by fermentation in the stomachs of ruminant animals such as cattle, goats, or sheep that are exhaled or belched by the animal. In 2020, dairy and livestock enteric methane emissions were responsible for approximately 11 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) emissions per year, representing 35 percent of the agriculture and forestry sector’s GHGs. 

The California Budget Act of 2022 provided $10 million to fund demonstration trials evaluating additives and dietary modifications that have the potential to reduce enteric methane emissions in the dairy and livestock sectors. Funded studies will further provide insight into feed additives’ implications on animals and the environment.

"This research funding presents an opportunity for animal agriculture and the livestock sector to put forth solutions to ensure a sustainable future for the benefit of the livestock industry and all Californians," said Marit Arana, Chair of CDFA’s Feed Inspection Advisory Board and a nutritionist at A.L. Gilbert Company, a feed concern. 

The 2023 LEMER-RP will award competitive grants to universities (with or without a private partnership), non-profit research organizations, and California Native American Tribes. Applicants are invited to submit pre-proposals to the LEMER-RP by 5 p.m. PT on August 7. 

Applicants whose pre-proposals are selected through a review process will be invited to develop a full proposal for submission in early September. Full proposals will be due at the beginning of November.

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