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Cornhuskers Harvesting a Record

Nebraska’s cornhuskers, not the athletic program at the university but its corn farmers, could be harvesting a record crop this year according to estimates released Friday by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The agency forecasts Nebraska’s corn crop will be 1.90 billion bushels this year, up 10% from last year, exceeding the earlier record set in 2021 by 45 million bushels (Figure 1). Average yield is estimated at 196 bushels per acre. If realized it would also be a new record high. Soybean production is also expected to exceed last year, up 16% to 310 million bushels, but it is not expected to surpass the 2021 record. Soybean yield is pegged at 59 bushels per compared to 51.5 bushels last year.


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Video: Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

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