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Deadline Approaching: Dairy Innovation Hub Graduate Student Assistantship Proposals Due April 5

CALS is accepting proposals for graduate student assistantship research projects that will leverage existing UW–Madison expertise to provide timely products supporting the goals of the Dairy Innovation Hub, with an emphasis on addressing recommendations generated by the Dairy Task Force 2.0.

Funding is available to tenure-track faculty with permanent PI status within CALS. Research associate level candidate does need to be identified, although inclusion of a top candidate will strengthen the proposal application.

Co-mentor teams are encouraged and are defined as primary investigator(s) from CALS and/or UW–Platteville, College of Business, Industry, Life Science, and Agriculture or College of Engineering, Mathematics and Science (BILSA) and UW–River Falls, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences (CAFES).

Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. (CST) on Friday, April 5, 2024. Award decisions will be sent to applicants in August of 2024.

To apply for this Hub funded call, please view application details within the RFP. Additional materials needed with submission are the Proposal cover page template and the Budget form template.

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