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Early Forecasts Indicate Record Nebraska Corn Harvest

Early Forecasts Indicate Record Nebraska Corn Harvest
Based on August 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2020 corn production is forecast at a record 1.80 billion bushels, up 1% from last year's production, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Acreage harvested for grain is estimated at 9.45 million acres, down 4% from a year ago. Average yield is forecast at 191 bushels per acre, up 9 bushels from last year.
Soybean production in Nebraska is forecast at 307 million bushels, up 8% from last year. Area for harvest, at 4.95 million acres, is up 2% from 2019. Yield is forecast at a record 62 bushels per acre, up 3.5 bushels from last year.
Nebraska's 2020 winter wheat crop is forecast at 36.6 million bushels, down 34% from last year. Harvested area for grain, at 850,000 acres, is down 12% from last year. Average yield is forecast at 43 bushels per acre, down 14 bushels per acre from 2019.
Sorghum production of 11.2 million bushels, is down 8% from a year ago. Area for grain harvest, at 120,000 acres, is down 8% from last year. Yield is forecast at 93 bushels per acre, unchanged from last year.
Dry edible bean production is forecast at 2.90 million cwt, up 54% from last year. The average yield is forecast at 2,300 pounds per acre, up 360 pounds from last year. Acres planted by class are as follows: Pinto, 64,600; Great Northern, 42,800; Black, 5,600; Light Red Kidney, 15,700; All Other, (D). D is withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.
Sugarbeet production is forecast at 1.48 million tons, up 39% from 2019. Area for harvest, at 45,800 acres is up 3,700 acres from last year. Yield is estimated at a record 32.4 tons per acre, up 7.0 tons from a year ago.
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