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Enlist Cotton Trait Earns Full Export Approval, More Acres Coming In 2017

U.S. cotton growers can plant varieties containing the Enlist trait with confidence in 2017. Cotton grown using this landmark technology now has full export approval in key countries. This ensures cotton growers will have access to the newest and most advanced weed control technology available.

South Korea recently approved Enlist cotton for food use. The South Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety ruling gives full feed and food import approval for cotton varieties containing the Enlist trait. The ruling allows use of cottonseed oil and products in the country’s food system.

“This is a great step forward for cotton growers and the Enlist weed control system,” says John Chase, Dow AgroSciences, Enlist commercial leader.

The Enlist weed control system is an important technology for U.S. growers. It takes weed control to the next level by building on the Roundup Ready system. Enlist cotton, part of the Enlist weed control system, is tolerant to new 2,4-D choline, glyphosate and glufosinate for postemergence control of tough weeds. Once registered for use on Enlist cotton, growers can use Enlist Duo herbicide, a combination of a new 2,4-D and glyphosate. Registration of Enlist Duo for use on Enlist cotton is anticipated for the 2017 cropping season.

Enlist cotton gives growers additional postemergence options to control difficult and resistant weeds. The Enlist trait is being incorporated into top-performing PhytoGen brand varieties. These varieties will continue to help growers improve cotton yield and quality while providing options for improved weed control.

“The Enlist cotton trait and Enlist weed control system will help growers across the United States manage hard-to-control weeds in our high-yielding PhytoGen brand varieties,” says Hank King, U.S. leader for PhytoGen. “These key export approvals mean full speed ahead for the Enlist trait in cotton for our PhytoGen growers in 2017.”

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