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Precision Dealers Share Potential Solutions to Biggest Challenges

The 11th annual Precision Farming Dealer benchmark study recently asked, "What do you see as the biggest challenge facing your precision business in the next 12 months?"

Dealers from across the U.S. and Canada responded with their top challenges and also shared how they plan to address them in 2024. 

Challenge: Economy
Potential Solution: Creative financing and deferred payment plants

Challenge: Being able to hit John Deere's benchmarks while remaining profitable
Potential Solution: Stay close to Deere, hope they will provide some help and guidance

Challenge: Prices of goods and services, and unpredictable down time of satellites
Potential Solution: Offer the best service, make sure the customer is getting what they're paying for

Challenge: Transitioning from selling Trimble to selling more Raven and CNH products
Potential Solution: Training our precision specialists so they are able to sell the products

Challenge: Interest rates and the uncertainty in the market
Potential Solution: Try to leverage the knowledge and experience of our team to partner with growers to add value and help them control the things that will put money back into their pocket

Challenge: Charging a higher percentage of precision specialists' time to customers
Potential Solution: Bill more phone support and closely manage what the specialists are doing on a daily basis

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