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Farmers Reminded To Share Views On Seed Royalties

Farmers have until October 15th to share their views on proposed changes to seed royalty structures for cereal crops
An online survey can be found at
The survey was launched in July by the Alberta Federation of Agriculture, the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan and Keystone Ag Producers of Manitoba. The three prairie farm groups are collecting producer feedback on proposed changes to the way royalties are collected on saved cereal crop seeds, after concerns were raised about the level of producer input in the government’s consultation process.
“We have received clear feedback from producers across our three provinces on proposed changes to seed royalty structures, but we want to ensure that with harvest underway we provide the ability for producers to continue to respond during this busy time of year,” said KAP President Bill Campbell. “Producers need to be involved in the consultation process to ensure that these structures work in their best interest.”
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