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Final Harvest Report from Oklahoma Wheat Commission Says Wheat Harvest 99 Percent Complete

During the wheat harvest season, the Oklahoma Wheat Commission releases a hard red winter wheat harvest report. Here is the latest report as of July 6, 2022:

Oklahoma Wheat harvest is wrapped up with some minor cutting taking places still in North Central Oklahoma and Panhandle regions. Early lab test indicate the performance quality of this crop for bakery standards is above average which is remarkable considering everything this crop has been thru. Sprout damage being reported in the state from regions hit by heavy rains is accounting for approximately 5 to 10% of the crop. It is important to note much of the crop that has sprout damage is also reporting minimal numbers in that 5 to 7% range. When looking at the averages for blending purposes it seems sprout is not going to be as big an issue as previously thought.

Proteins across the state are favorable with averages coming in between 12 to 13% in most places. Yields are ranging all over the board from the low teens to mid-20's in Southwest, Oklahoma.   

In South Central Oklahoma, yields being reported from 10 bushels per acre to the mid 30's. Yields in central and Northern Oklahoma are being reported as higher ranging from 15 bushels per acre to as high as 65 bushels per acre. In the Northern tier of the state where yields are better, regions are still looking at averages in the high 20's to mid-30's. It is also important to note several areas in Northwest Oklahoma up by Cherokee and Burlington had severe drought and large portions of that region will not be harvested, which will also have major impact on statewide bushels that are taken in.

Test weight average in Southern and Central Oklahoma will be 58 pounds per bushel. Test weight averages in Northern Oklahoma and in the Panhandle will be higher falling in the 59 pound to 61 pound per bushel range depending on location.

The Oklahoma Wheat Commission is now calling Oklahoma wheat harvest 99% complete.   

This will be the last harvest report published by the Oklahoma Wheat Commission for the 2022 harvest season. Plains Grains reports will be published as we continue to follow harvest into the Northern United States and Pacific Northwest on each Friday with performance data also included as those test are completed with the USDA Hard Winter Wheat Laboratory in Kansas City, Manhattan.

**Hard Red Winter Wheat-Versatile, with excellent milling and baking characteristics for pan bread, Hard Red Winter is also a choice wheat for Asian noodles, hard rolls, flat breads, general purpose flour and cereal.
**Soft Red Winter Wheat- A versatile weak-gluten wheat with excellent milling and baking characteristics, Soft Red Winter is suited for cookies, crackers, pretzels, pastries and flat breads.


Grandfield/Devol/Chattanooga/Lawton- Grandfield is 100% complete, Devol is 100% complete, Chattanooga is 99% complete, Lawton is reported 100% complete. Test weights in this region ranging from 58-60 pounds per bushel. Yields ranging in the low teens to mid-20's. Proteins ranging from the 11.5% to 12.5%. No sprout damage reported from these locations.

Frederick- Harvest in this region is 100% complete. Test weights ranging from 60 to 61 pounds/bushel. Proteins ranging from 12 to 12.5% range. Yields being reported from low teens to high twenties, averaging in the low 20's.

Altus/Duke/Carter- Harvest in this region reported as 100% done. Test weights now trending 56-59 pounds per bushel compared to earlier cuttings making 59 to 60 pounds per bushel.   Yields reported from 5 bushel an acre to mid-20's. Proteins ranging from 13% to 16%.

Lone Wolf/Hobart- Harvest in these regions is reported at 100% complete. Test weights being reported from 55 to 58 pounds per bushel. Yields ranging from low teens to mid-20's. Proteins reported making from 13% to 16%.

South Central

Apache- Wheat harvest is moving along in this region and is considered 100% complete. Test weights have been ranging from 57 pounds to 58 pounds per bushel for the most part. On the intensive management wheat, they are seeing some 60-pound test weights.   Yields for the most part are ranging from 10 to 35 bushels per acre depending on location, management and variety.

Chickasha- Harvest in this region 100% complete. Yields are doing much better than expected based on all the heavy rains, high winds and hail damage that occurred.   Test weights ranging from 58 to 59 pounds per bushel. Yields making in the mid 20's to mid-30's. Some minor sprout damage is being reported but not as bad as expected. Some producers have had 20 to 40% hail damage losses.

Western Oklahoma

Sentinel/Rocky- Harvest has made great progress over the weekend and is reported at 100% complete.   Test weights reported in the 56 to 60 pounds per bushel range. Yields being reported from 14 to 28 bushels per acre. Proteins ranging from 13% to 17% depending on variety and management practices.

Hinton- This region is reported at 100% complete. Yields are doing better than expected after all the storms that hit prior to last week. Yields ranging in the mid 30's, test weights averaging 60.5 pounds. Proteins ranging from 10% to 17% with a 13.5% average.

Central Oklahoma

El Reno- They are reporting 100% harvested in this region. Yields are being reported from the low 20's to the low 40's depending on variety and management. Test weights ranging from 57 to 59.5 pounds per bushel. Protein ranging from 11% to 14.5%

Kingfisher/Omega- Harvest in this region reported to be 100% complete. Test weights with ranges reported from 57 to 60 pounds per bushel. Yields averaging in the high 20's to low 30's. Proteins have ranged from 10% to 15%, seeing a lot in the 11.5% to 12.5% range.

Reeding- Harvest in this region reported 100% complete. Test weights with ranges from 57 to 59 pounds per bushel being reported. Yields averaging mid-teens to low 30's depending on variety and management. Proteins ranging from 11% to 12%.

Loyal- Harvest in this region reported at 100% complete. Test weights averaging 57 to 59 pounds per bushel. Yields on early harvested wheat making in the low 20's to low 40's. Protein ranging from 11.5% to 12.5% on early samples.

Northwest OK

Shattuck/Fort Supply-This region being reported at 100% complete. Test weights ranging from 57 to 62 pounds per bushel depending on variety and management. Yields ranging from 5 bushels to 25 bushels per acre. Proteins are ranging from 12% to 14%.

Burlington- Harvest in this region reported at 99% complete. A large area in this region will not be harvested due to the severe drought. On the crop that will be harvested, test weight for this region is averaging 58 pounds per bushel. Yields making in the mid 20's to mid-40's on the wheat that will be harvested depending on where moisture was received in a timely manner and management practices. Proteins ranging from 12% to 13%.

Helena/Goltry- Harvest in this region 99% complete. Yields reported from the mid-teens to mid 30's. Yields have increased as harvest has progressed as producers have gotten into better wheat. Test weights ranging from 58 to 60 pounds per bushel. Proteins are averaging 13%.

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