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First-Year Users Report Exceptional Performance From Trivapro® Fungicide

With the new growing season around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about inputs for 2017. As growers weigh their fungicide options, Syngenta presents 2016 performance data and testimonials for Trivapro® fungicide to remove any question about which fungicide will help them get the job done.
During its first season of use, Trivapro combatted gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and rust in several states and helped crops withstand extreme weather like heavy wind, rain and drought. Its long-lasting residual control of diseases and crop-enhancement benefits helped protect leaf integrity, resulting in lengthened grain-fill window and maximized yield potential at harvest.
Across the Midwest and South, Trivapro-treated acres produced:
  • An average of 27 bushels per acre (bu/A) more corn than untreated1
  • An average of 8 bu/A more soybeans than untreated2
  • Between 11 and 27 bu/A more wheat than untreated and competitive brands3

“Despite the adverse weather and other bad conditions we experienced, Trivapro fungicide kept our corn green and healthy,” said Luke Lauritsen, a grower and Golden Harvest® Seed AdvisorTM in Arlington, Nebraska. “We were very happy with its 45-day residual control.”

Even under stress from disease and unpredictable weather, Trivapro-treated fields were stronger and visibly superior to untreated checks and competitive brands. In fact, Trivapro was the only fungicide rated excellent for Southern rust control by several university extensions including: Purdue, Tennessee and Arkansas. Across all registered crops, first-year users experienced this high-level of control from Trivapro firsthand.
Randy James, a wheat grower in Dayton, Washington explained, “Visually, we definitely saw a difference, and then when we looked at the yield, we had a 14-bushel increase compared to Priaxor® and Propi-Star®, the other treatment we used.”
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