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Five Acre Corn Club-Grain Crop Management

By Gregory W. Roth
Corn planting is underway again and with many fields getting planted this week. Yield prospects should be great again.
Consider getting some recognition this year for your efforts or for a farm you are working with. As part of a joint effort between the Pennsylvania Corn Growers Association and Penn State, we are announcing the entry process for the 2017 PA Five Acre Corn Club.
Take a minute and review the rules this year. Note which region you are in, as awards are based now on the region of the state. To enter complete the form and send it along with a check to PCGA at the address on the form. They don’t have the capability to take credit cards. Our first entry deadline is July 1, so you have some time to enter. The final deadline is August 1.
Last year we demonstrated the potential to grow over 230 bushels per acre in all of the regions of the state. At the Corn and Soybean conference last year’s winners suggested that dry conditions held us back from breaking 300 bushels per acre again. This could be the year for all of us to break new personal records and to record yields over 300 bushels per acre in some fields.

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