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World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE)
The World Agricultural Outlook Board (WAOB) serves as USDA’s focal point for economic intelligence and the commodity outlook for U.S. and world agriculture. The Board coordinates, reviews, and approves the monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, houses OCE's Joint Agricultural Weather Facility, and coordinates USDA's Agricultural Outlook Forum.




World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
May 10, 2016                                              WASDE - 553


USDA Released the World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE) today and the market has reacted by pushing futures prices lower.To see the latest market prices and charts click

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Full Coverage OF USDA WASDE Report

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates

WASDE: Corn Production for 2016/17 Up 829 million from 2015/16 and 214 million Higher Than Previous Record

WASDE: U.S. Wheat Supplies Projected Up 6% On Higher Beginning Stocks & Imports

WASDE: U.S. Oilseed Production Down 3.1 million From 2015/16 on Lower Soybean Production

WASDE: Cotton crop is expected to boost next season’s ending stocks

Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy
WASDE: U.S. Pork, Beef & Poultry production forecast higher

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Source: USDA Wasde


Source : USDA

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