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Good Bug Corner-Parasitic Wasps

By Janet J. Knodel
Extension Entomologist
This week’s Good Bug Corner featured insects are parasitic wasps in the insect family Braconidae. These tiny parasitic wasps (or parasitoids) lay eggs within foliage-feeding caterpillars, such as armyworms, loopers, etc.. Eggs hatch into larvae, and they eat the insides of the caterpillar killing it. Braconid parasitization often causes the caterpillar to crawl up the tip of the plant before dying! The mature wasp larvae emerge and then spin cocoons outside the caterpillar body. Extension Entomology has received many calls/emails about these Braconid cocoons and whether it is a friend or foe in field crops. This good bug is being observed on wheat awns and on soybean leaves. 

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