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Harvest Fast Approaching

Manitoba Agriculture says hot temperatures and rainfall last week helped to advance crops quickly, with earlier than normal harvest dates expected.
Winter cereals are at hard dough stage and starting to ripen.
Spring cereals range from milk stage to ripening.
Moisture stress is being seen in fields across Manitoba where rainfall has been inadequate.
Areas with lighter textured soils have prematurely ripening crops.
Hay yields are below normal and producers are indicating that rainfall is needed for regrowth to allow for second cut and continued pasture grazing.
Source : Steinbachonline

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New Dicamba Restrictions

Video: New Dicamba Restrictions

Soybean producers will be without one tool in their toolbox this growing season Federal Court in Arizona has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must vacate the 2020 registrations for Dicamba products. This week on Crop Talk, we sat down with Libby Walsh from the Nebraska Department of agriculture to learn more.