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Harvest operations nearly complete

Most farmers in Saskatchewan are about to perform fall operations of collecting hay and in tillage.

Eighty-two per cent of the crop was harvested by Sept. 18, according to the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture weekly crop report. The rate of harvest compares with 62 per cent in the 10-year average.     

The southwest region is 97 per cent done with only a few fields of flax left.

Only eight per cent is left in the west-central region with 79 per cent done in the southeast.

The east-central region, plagued by rains, was at 66 per cent done.

Canola was least harvested of major crops at 65 per cent in the bin. Most other crops ranged from 88 to 97 per cent complete.

Farmers need lots of rains this fall to replenish dry soil. Only one-quartet of crop land has adequate moisture levels.

Pastures are even worse with a mere 12 per cent having sufficient moisture.

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