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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of December 07, 2015

The all grade hay price was slightly stronger compared to the previous report . There is a wide range of prices for all qualities of hay. W eather conditions in Midwest are hindering hay movement, and providing demand for bedding.

For Nebraska , prices were fully steady for all forms of hay this week . Demand has improved for alfalfa and grass hay with backgrounding lots purchasing forage.

For Iowa , snow and sleet kept buyers at home . Hay producers are getting antsy as the market is unseasonably slow.

In South Dakota , alfalfa is s teady to firm as a result of demand for small lots of quality hay for calves. The greatest demand currently is for quality grass hay. Buyers are expressing interest in purchasing hay before the end of the year. Wet weather along with freezing and thawing h as created mud in yards reducing movement of hay .

For Missouri, heavy supply, light demand, with steady prices. There is limited movement of hay because of wet weather and mud in many feed yards providing poor conditions to get sem is in or out of the feed yards. Many feedlots are using their stored hay.

In Southwest Minnesota, sales of only lower quality hay this week , no prime quality hay offered at auction this week .

For Illinois, moderate demand, with slow market activity fo r moderate offerings . Overall hay prices were mixed with dairy quality hay priced lower, but higher prices for small packaged hay.

In Wisconsin , l ower quality hay is plentiful and the price is stronger . There i s an interest for small lots of hay. Hay markets are active, but most are not quality test ed hay auctions . T he M idwest straw prices w ere stronger compared to the last report . Market price for s mall square bale averaged $ 3 . 3 0 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . Large square bale straw price was up about $ 4 .00 per bale , with an average price of $ 3 5 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 18 . 00 to $ 56 .00); and large round bale straw price increase d $8.00 per bale , av erage price was $ 34 .00 per bale ( range of $ 1 5 .00 - $ 4 5 .00 per ba le )

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In the Markets - Mike Zuzolo

Video: In the Markets - Mike Zuzolo

In the grain markets. Joining us this week is the President of Global Commodity Analytics Mr. Mike Zuzolo.