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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of February 22, 2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Overall h ay price declined $15.00 per ton compared to the previous report . Currently supply exceed s demand and lower quality hay is the majority of the supply . S mall square bale alfalfa continues to demand a premium pri ce regardless of quality

For Nebraska , the bulk of the hay sold steady with mode rate demand . Every day that passes is one day closer to cattle going on grass and most farmers are not going to buy extra forage.

For Iowa , a better supply of all qualities of hay was available this week with firm prices. Bedding is also in demand as farm ers welcomed warming temperatures . No organic hay was available this week.

In South Dakota , hay sold on a weaker market with limited buyer interest or inquiry when compared to the previous week’s market . Warm temperatures have created some diffic ulty in moving hay and bedding along with concerns of road limits being placed on roads if the warm weather continues.

For Missouri, warmer weather has cattlemen thinking of soon to be green grass rather than feeding stored feed . Feeding will continue, but interest has moved from buying feed to buying spring inputs for the growing season. Farmers in the hay business would like to see lower inventory at this time of the year. Overall supply is moderate to heavy, demand is light, and prices are steady.

In Southwest Minnesota, the re was an increase in supply of hay offered for auction this week . Literally no prime quality hay is available at the market. T he m ajority offered at auction was grade 1 or lower .

For Illinois, hay demand was moderate f o r heavy offerings with prices steady on good quality hay and weaker prices for lower quality hay.

In Wisconsin , hay supply exceeds demand at most auctions and l ower quality hay is discounted . The hay price reflects the current supply of lower quality hay available and lack of demand. Most auctions have reported good supplies with reduced prices. S traw prices are st eady to a little weaker compared to the last market report .

Small square bale price dropped $ 0.50 per bale this week with an averaged $ 2 . 9 5 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale price was $2.00 lower this week , with an average price of $ 3 1 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 2 3 . 00 to $ 41 .00); and large round bale s w ere $5.00 higher than last week with an av erage price $ 32 .00 per bale ( range of $ 20 .00 - $ 49 .00 per bale ) . There is good d emand for straw in Midwest markets .

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