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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of January 9, 2017

Demand and Sales Activity

Some markets have not sent out reports from last week ’ s auctions. This may or may not be related to the holiday season. Overall the m arket is steady to a touch lower this week. L ower quality hay has influenc e d the market .

For Nebraska , demand is light , prices were steady this week . A dequate supplies of hay provide resistance t o a n increase in price s .

For Iowa , supply is adequate to cover needs with s t eady prices. Demand improved after the holiday season, but prices have remain ed steady. No certified organic hay this week on the market.

In South Dakota , all classes of hay sold steady to weak with very few reported sales . Demand is light. Low cost of other cattle feed is providing little reason to pay more for hay. Better demand for bedding with snow and cold temperatures. In I llinois , no reports from any markets this week .

For Missouri, no report this week . In Southwest Minnesota, total loads of hay have increased this week . Grade 1 or lower quality was available and low quality hay was discounted. In Wisconsin , hay p rice s were lower reflecting only lower quality hay available at the auction. Overall the s traw market had little move ment in prices . Small square bale straw price decreased a veraging $ 2 . 5 0 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 4 . 5 0) .

Large square bale price was stronger with an a verag e price of $ 3 6 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 20 . 00 to $ 65 .00) . L arge round bale s were unchanged from the last report at $ 3 2 .00 per bale (range of $ 2 5 .00 to $ 3 5 .00) . M arkets mentioned a demand for bedding material s this week with colder weather .

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