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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of June 19, 2015

Demand and Sales Activity

The all grade hay price decreased $8.50 per ton at auction this week. Prime hay continues to sell on a strong market. Old and new crop alfalfa hay is available at markets. The decrease in all grade hay price reflects a low volume of prime quality hay available at auction sites. There are a limited number of auction sites with a limited supply and demand for hay. The data collected is from markets in Wisconsin and nearby Midwestern states.

For Nebraska, limited trading of alfalfa hay this week at steady prices and weather continues to delay dry hay harvesting. Rain is also good news, as the majority of Nebraska was in the drought category and now has been removed for the drought list.

For Iowa, trading was inactive, but new crop quality hay did sell on a strong market. In South Dakota, new crop hay was lightly tested at auctions this week. Old crop alfalfa hay price was steady in a light market. Rain continues to slow first crop harvest, while some growers are preparing for second crop harvest shortly.

For Missouri, a moderate supply of hay, with light demand, and steady prices. Alfalfa quality is past prime or the hay has been rained on; Mother Nature is making 2015 a difficult year for hay making.

In Southwest Minnesota, hay price was steady, with an increase in volume sold compared to the last report. Weather has slowed harvest as reported from the majority of reporting auctions.

For Illinois, no market reports this week in the state.

In Wisconsin, weather has delayed the first crop harvest. Hay prices are steady at Wisconsin markets. Seventy – six per cent of the first cutting hay harvest was reported complete last week. The Midwest straw market is steady with demand for small bales of straw. Small square bale straw was steady; with an average price of $3.10 a bale (range of $1.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw price increased this week to an average price of $40.00 per bale (range of $34.00 to $50.00); and no sales of large round bale straw were reported this week.

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