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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of October 10 , 2016

Demand and Sales Activity

There was strength in the market for prime and grade # 1 small square bale alfalfa . Lower quality hay continues to be discounted .

For Nebraska , demand and movement of hay is light . Most buyers are buying on an as needed basis. Demand for hay should increase going through October as producers wean spring c alves and move them off pasture and supplement feed calves .

For Iowa , limited hay sales this week as buyers continue to look for bargains . The nightmare 2016 growing season is coming to an end . It was a tough year to make dry hay . With o ver 40 inches of rain and high humidity during the growing season , h ow would you make quality dry hay?

In South Dakota , light hay s al es with slow market activity and steady price s with very l ight interest and demand fo r a lfalfa hay . Rain and some light snow flurries this week slowed field work.

In I llinois , demand is light with slow market activity for heavy supplies. Higher quality hay has sold at steady prices while lower hay is discounted. Demand for hay shou ld improve as pasture yields decline and cattlemen wean calves.

For Missouri, hay movement is very slow . Supply is moderate with a light d emand and steady to weak prices. Hay listings continue to increase and hay feeding season is slowly approaching.

In Southwest Minnesota, a good supply of lower quality hay, with light demand and lower prices . Quality alfalfa hay is just not available at the auction . In Wisconsin , prime and grade # 1 hay was available and produced good prices . Lower quality hay is readily available , has very little demand and a reduced price . Overall s traw price was steady to st ronger this week . Small square bale straw a verage d $ 3 . 25 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . Large square bales increased $5.00/bale and averag ed $ 3 8 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 8 . 00 t o $ 55 .00) . L arge round bale s decreased $5.00/bale and a verage d $ 3 3 .00 per bale (range of $ 23 .00 to $ 3 9 .00) .

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