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Keep Scouring Calves Hydrated

Producers understand neonatal calf diarrhea is a problem on their farms. National Animal Health Monitoring System data from 2007 reported an average calf mortality of 8% annually, with scours as the leading cause of death in unweaned calves at 56.5%. Most causes of scours are preventable. However, the infectious causes of neonatal diarrhea are typically bacteria, viruses or protozoa. Other noninfectious causes that may contribute to neonatal diarrhea are:
■ poor-quality colostrum
■ poor sanitation
■ stress
■ inadequate ventilation
■ adverse weather conditions

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Episode 46: Genetic IQ: Defining Traits That Matter in Your Beef Herd

Video: Episode 46: Genetic IQ: Defining Traits That Matter in Your Beef Herd

In beef production, genetics play a critical role in management and profitability. To overcome challenges in accessing data to make breeding and feeding decisions, the Canadian Beef Breed Council (CBBC) embarked on an initiative called the Canadian Beef Improvement Network (CBIN), which will help to standardize information across breeds.