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Know ways to handle used vaccine products

Needles used to deliver animal products can be a risk to humans if they are not handled properly, said the veterinary experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute on a recent Cattle Chat podcast.

“Removing the needle from the syringe is the most common point where someone could get an inadvertent needle stick,” said Kansas State University veterinarian Brian Lubbers. “For that reason, we recommend that if the needle is attached to a small plastic syringe that both are put in a sharps container for medical waste.”

The sharps container is where veterinarians place used objects including needles, blades, glass tubes and anything else that can puncture a person’s skin, said Kansas State University veterinarian Brad White.

White said, “A true sharps container has a lid on the top and companies will pick them up or you can talk to your local veterinarian or local hospital to see how they handle medical waste.”

Lubbers also offered that folks can use a thick plastic gallon jug to make a sharps container.

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