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Manitoba Pork welcomes new chief veterinary officer

Manitoba Pork is pleased to welcome Dr. Glen Duizer to his new position as chief veterinary officer for the Province of Manitoba. Dr. Duizer’s appointment was announced on Tuesday, September 3rd.

“We would like to welcome Dr. Duizer to his new role and want to congratulate him on this well-deserved appointment”, said Manitoba Pork general manager Cam Dahl. “In his time working in the office of the chief veterinarian, Dr. Duizer has maintained a collaborative approach while building a strong foundation of open and transparent communication.”

Manitoba’s chief veterinary officer plays a key role when it comes to our province’s hog sector, especially in dealing with production diseases like PED and PRRS, as well as the profound threat of foreign animal diseases like ASF and FMD.

“We look forward to continuing to build on our deep working relationship with Dr. Duizer and his team to ensure that Manitoba’s hog sector remains a leader in animal care and disease mitigation,” Dahl added.

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Zinpro research highlights importance of Zn during respiratory disease challenge in swine

Video: Zinpro research highlights importance of Zn during respiratory disease challenge in swine

Corey Carpenter, Swine Account Manager at Zinpro Corporation, recently shared groundbreaking research on the benefits of incorporating Zinpro Zinc into the diet of grow-finish pigs. This study provides compelling evidence that dietary zinc supplementation can mitigate the detrimental effects of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, a pathogen known to compromise feed efficiency and average daily gain in pigs.