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Map: More Drought Misery for Western Canada in July

Things certainly improved in eastern Canada after a dry June, but drought-related misery continued for most of Western Canada in July. 

According to the latest monthly update of the Canadian drought monitor, exceptionally dry conditions dominated much of Western Canada while eastern parts of the country saw above- to well above-normal rainfall during the month.  

For the Prairies, drought extent and severity continued to significantly increase with abnormally warm temperatures and well below-normal precipitation in July. In fact, substantial portions of southern Saskatchewan went more than two weeks without any precipitation at all during the month, while a pocket of exceptional drought – the worst drought classification - developed in southeastern Alberta. 

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Todd Hesterman on Weed Control in Ohio

Video: Todd Hesterman on Weed Control in Ohio

Todd Hesterman grows soybeans, corn and wheat with his father and his youngest son on their farm in Henry County, Ohio, near Napolean. He is also a Certified Crop Advisor, and he explains the weed control strategies that help them manage weeds that are becoming bigger problems in their fields.