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Maximize Your Haying Window With New 2019 Disc Mower Conditioners

No two fields are the same. That’s why Case IH is introducing enhancements to new 9- and 10-foot side-pull disc mower conditioners — because every field deserves a customized approach that maximizes haying windows.

The newest updates to Case IH Model Year 2019 disc mower conditioners provide you with the efficiency you need in the hayfield while remaining rugged and versatile. With the latest updates to 9- and 10-foot Model Year 2019 disc mower conditioners, you’ll be able to:

Optimize field time and reduce maintenance: Change knives without hassle with an updated quick-change knife system. This allows you to change knives on the headers in one-third the time of a standard knife system.

Create high-quality hay with optimal cut and crimp: Narrow cutterbar design and improved flotation deliver a high-quality cut and more even windrows for consistent and faster drydown.

Remain productive even in rough and rocky hayfields: New models contain a shock protection system that protects the cutterbar from expensive field failures if an obstacle is encountered, and the fully modular cutterbar system provides superior lubrication compared with competitive models.

Make flexible cutting height adjustments: A new four-pin hydraulic cylinder tilt provides more cutting height flexibility for improved cut quality — and no tools are required to adjust the tilt, for easy in-field adjustments. New adjustable skid shoes are also available for additional cutting height flexibility.

Improve cut width to conditioning roll width ratios: A nearly one-to-one cut width and conditioning roll width ratio creates even and thorough conditioning for faster drydown. No tools are needed to adjust windrow formation, cutting height and conditioning roll pressure, so you’ll be able to make quick adjustments for changing crop conditions.

See immediate improvements in crop conditioning: Roll widths are wider than competitive machines with the same cut, allowing for a thinner crop mat that passes through the system to produce a crop that maintains more sugar and carbs for higher-quality hay and feed value.

Additionally, all DC3 series mower conditioners include a three-year cutterbar warranty for worry-free operation. Talk to your local Case IH dealer to learn more about the added benefits and features of 2019 disc mower conditioners.

Source : CASE IH

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