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Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide

The guide addresses weed management in the major agronomic crops, especially hard to control weeds across the region.
New Publication: Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide
Get your brand new 2016 Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide while it’s hot! This is a new publication that provides strategies and herbicide tables for managing weeds in corn, sorghum, soybeans, small grains, legumes, grass forages, and pastures. This regional guide was produced by specialists from Penn State, University of Delaware, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, and West Virginia University. It includes specific management information that includes all the new herbicide recommendations plus a problem weed section that addresses burcucumber, henbit, horsenettle, horseweed/marestail, Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, common pokeweed, common and giant ragweed, and annual/Italian ryegrass. The Guide is available in hardcopy for $20, as an enhance PDF for $10, or in combination for $25.
The how-to-order information and a few sample pages of the interactive for sale PDF at

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